Have you heard the phrase; “Where thoughts go energy flows”?

Back in my days when I wallowed in negative and limiting beliefs, I couldn’t understand why I kept experiencing the same things over and over again. Yes, I would ruminate about all my life and all the undesirable things I would encounter. I would mutter “Why me” over and over again or “What did I do to deserve this”? I was like a hamster on a wheel with my thoughts. No wonder things didn’t change for me, or if they did, it would be short-lived. I felt lost and confused. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand the “why” of my situation. Once I learned why my life was a boomerang of reoccurring negative and limiting experiences, I began to understand how my thoughts, words, and actions affected my life. This was the catalyst to be mindful of what I was saying, thinking, and doing in all areas of my life. This week on Guided Spirit Conversations, I will be talking about what our thoughts and feelings become and how to change them. I hope you will listen in to learn how to improve your life by focusing on the thoughts you think.
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Thank you for listening to: What Do Thoughts and Feelings Become: Your Behavior or Experience with Dr. Marla Goldberrg
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