Have you ever wondered how a channel gets its information? This week we are blessed to have Shelia Gillette as our guest on Guided Spirit Conversations Podcast. Sheila is the direct voice of Theo. Theo is a collective of twelve archangels. Sheila has been this direct voice since her near-fatal auto accident in 1969. In addition to her channeling of Theo, Shelia is an author of; The 5th Dimension; Channels to a New Reality. Sheila and her husband Marcus have written the book, The Art of Relationship: Discover the Magic of Unconditional Love. I invite you to join Shelia Gillette and me as we delve into what it means to be a channel. How the beings use the physical body, and so much more, including Sheila and Marcus Gillette’s latest book, The Art of Relationship: Discover the Magic of Unconditional Love.
For more information about Shelia: www.asktheo.com/love

Over the past 25 years, Sheila Gillette has empowered and educated thousands of people worldwide through intimate conversations with THEO. Sheila has been the direct voice medium for THEO, a collective of twelve archangels, since her near-death experience in 1969. In partnership with her husband, Marcus, Sheila has been able to share THEO’s wisdom with an ever-widening community, sharing transformational messages that foster an enlightened state of consciousness. Before the meeting, both Sheila and Marcus were on their own spiritual paths. Sheila had already been channeling THEO for over 25 years. Marcus was happily immersed in his own spiritual journey, inspired in part by THEO’s teachings after reading Sheila’s first book: “The 5th Dimension: Channels to a New Reality.” But after a divinely guided meeting and an instant connection in 1997, their impact on the world grew, along with their love.
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