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Love and Gratitude with Bernadette Pelina

This week on Guided Spirit Conversations, I welcome Bernadette Pelina. She is a Reiki and Intuitive energy healer. She is trained in the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition. She treats adults and children, even those in the womb. Her sessions are a combination of Reiki, Mediumship & Intuitive guidance. We will talk about how important it is to change your perspective to see things from a place of love and gratitude. Plus, tips to get rid of self-doubt and anxiety and lead you to more abundance and positivity in your life.

Bernadette Pelina is a Reiki and Intuitive energy healer. She is trained in the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition. She treats adults and children, even those in the womb. Her sessions are a combination of Reiki, Mediumship & Intuitive guidance. Bernadette has a private practice in Torrance, CA to help support personal growth, healing relationships & promoting whole health wellness for those who suffer from mental or emotional health issues & addiction. She wants to help others achieve balance & peace in their lives by releasing stored traumas that hold them back or interfere with their quality of life.

She would like to promote her Reiki and Intuitive Energy Sessions. She does them in-person and distance.

A session includes Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Blockage & Cord Removal, and Spiritual Guidance from messages received during the session. You can also Enhance your sessions with a crystal healing add-on. Before the session, I intuitively select crystals specific to your healing. I will explain what the significant stones mean and lay them on your body. This can be added on In-person and distance sessions.

Charity of choice. Royal Family Kids Camp.

At Royal Family KIDS Camp we dedicate a week to love foster kids from the LA County Foster Care System. Royal Family Kids Club is a monthly mentorship program that leads to camp.

What inspired you to pursue this calling?

Years before I became a healer, I felt a calling to be of service. I didn’t know exactly what the calling was for, but I felt it. 5years ago one of my best friends was diagnosed with Cervical cancer. She started trying alternative forms of healing and we tried Reiki together. After a few sessions my teacher suggested I take his class. Learning Reiki was like having a switch turned on for me; it opened more intuitive and spiritual gifts the more I practiced.

Is there a specific story you would like to address and share?

I was an attorney for 15 years before I became a healer. It’s never to late to change careers and follow your heart. We don’t always get to see the big picture or plan out our lives. There is a purpose and lessons to be learned in all our experiences “good & bad” if we are patient enough and learn to trust in something bigger than ourselves; hopefully, we’ll get to the “ah ha” moment where everything makes sense and understand why it all had to happen. When that happens, you will find your peace and have nothing, but gratitude in your heart.

Do you have a message about the importance of healing that you would like to share with our listeners?

It’s important to take the time to heal in order to continue to grow, evolve and become the person you are meant to be. Live your life for you. It’s your life, you’re the only one responsible for it. Healing is a form of self-love. The more you heal, the more you will know your self-worth. You will have more control of what and who you allow into your life. You will be able to create healthy boundaries and protect your energy.

What is your tip to living a happy and fulfilling life?

Trust your intuition, and allow it to be your guide. It has your best interest. Listen to your heart, it knows who you truly are. Give your mind a rest. There are many things in life where we don’t have to use our brains to make decisions. The mind can be tainted with fears Go with how things feel.

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