Have you ever heard the words seer, druid, Rune Valdr, and Seithr practitioner and wanted to know what they mean?
Have you ever been curious about witchcraft and how witches work in harmony with Mother Nature? Me too!
In my 20 years of my spiritual journey, I don’t know it all and some of these descriptions or techniques haven’t been brought into my sphere of education. That’s why this week’s guest on Guided Spirit Conversations is so intriguing to me.

Salicrow is a natural psychic medium, and intuitive healer, dedicated to helping the beings of our planet and the Earth itself. She is a Reiki master in six schools of reiki, a sound healer, a druid, and a practitioner of Rune Valdr and Seithr. Salicrow is also the author of “Jump Girl” and “The Path of Elemental Witchcraft”
For more information about SaliCrow: https://www.salicrow.com/
Salicrow is a natural psychic medium who weaves the traditions of her Irish Traveler and Blackfoot heritage with modern magical techniques. For more than 30 years she has worked as a spirit channel, seer, and intuitive healer, offering readings and teaching workshops throughout the United States and internationally. The author of The Path of Elemental Witchcraft, she lives in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.
Website(s) Link: https://www.salicrow.com/
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/salicrowpsychicmedium/
Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/salicrow/
In this compassionate and straightforward guide to the spiritual process of dying and what happens after death, psychic medium Salicrow answers the most common questions asked by her clients over her decades of work as a spirit speaker. Seeking to normalize the spiritual aspects of end-of-life care, she explains how active dying exists outside of normal reality, in a state in which the dying person and their caregivers often experience a heightened state of consciousness. Describing how the spirit is separate from the body and continues to exist after death, she shares thought-provoking stories of spirit contact and synchronicities that occurred for those actively involved in the dying process. She reveals how these encounters are common and act as guideposts along the journey into death, helping to ease the transition. She offers simple techniques for helping loved ones who are stuck or struggling to cross over and shares practices designed to help honor our beloved dead and develop living relationships with our ancestral spirits.
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