Using Intuitive Life Coaching to Stay Focused and Achieve Goals
If you are searching for your direction, trying to take that next step, or wondering how to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, than Intuitive Life Coaching can be the vehicle to help you get where you want to go.
This type of coaching uses a supportive and collaborative approach to help move you from where you are now to where you want to be. By integrating energy clearing, intuitive guidance, my training as a life coach and using a little “common sense,” Marla helps you to identify your gifts and talents and together we come up with what is most important to you. Marla also helps you recognize your unique gifts and talents. Throughout this process she is helping to keep you focused, on track and accountable for your actions and commitments.

Life Coaching Sessions
A spouse or friend often tells you what you want to hear, while a trained professional can challenge you and help remove roadblocks that are preventing you from moving forward.
Marla will work with you, provide you support as well as challenge you to move outside of your comfort zone.To have you work toward goals that challenge you.
Marla helps you:
Achieve clarity with goal setting, values and direction
Determine a plan of action and help you stay committed to the plan.
Identify obtainable steps that need to occur to reach each goal.
Develop assignments that you will complete to stay on track.
Provide support and guidance so you can continually work toward success.
Using a Life Coach to Get Un-Stuck
There are times in our life when we get stuck. Times when we are floundering and need some professional guidance to put us on the path we desired to be on. By working with a professionally trained Intuitive Life Coach, you can be confident that your desired life’s path is also the desire of your coach. Marla will be there to help you define your vision of your life, without any outside influences, and help you design a plan to achieve it.

How Much Coaching is Needed?
How long this will take or how many sessions is subjective. This will depend on you. Some clients only need a tweak to get them where they need to be. Other individuals need a bit more guidance and direction. Marla likes to be upfront with her fees so you can plan and budget accordingly. Currently she charge $80 for a 30 minute session and $125 for a 60 minute session. If you would like on-going coaching, Marla can design a package that meets your needs. She normally conduct coaching sessions via phone or via Skype, but in-person sessions in the northern suburbs of Chicago can be arranged as well.

60 Minutes: $250
30 Minutes: $150
Bundle Package - 5 60 Minute Sessions: $1,000
*Individualized Packages Available