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Learn To Love and Accept Yourself
Warts Wrinkles and All
Doing the work to heal your wounds is one of the most courageous acts a human can undertake.
- Dr. Marla Goldberrg
Throughout my life, I had always held a different belief, and that belief was that if I was perfect then my life wouldn’t be so painful. The more I strove for this false perception of perfection, the more painful my life became. I had to endure obstacle after obstacle as I strived to obtain that persona of the “perfect person”. Little did I know that all of my perfections were held in my perception of all of my imperfections.
By working to heal my wounds, and learning to accept and love myself, I became able to help more and more people. Today my “fire of desire” is to help as many as I can to release repressed emotions, learn to forgive, learn to accept themselves (warts, wrinkles, and all), and ultimately discover self-love.
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